Category: Unclassified



Several organizations are working to help access to phage therapy. Be generous: support and adhere to these associations. AVIBEP The "Association of Victims of Ban Foreigners bacteriophage and their Relatives", by abbreviation AVIBEP, a...



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Efficacy of bacteriophages

List of scientific publications on therapeutic application of bacteriophages and effectiveness: Phage therapy of pulmonary infections Phage treatment of human infections Applications of Bacteriophages in the Treatment of Localized Infections in humans –...


Phage Therapy in France: Saving lives with phagics

The purpose of this website is to save lives by providing information on Phage Therapy treatment options in the US, France and abroad with Bacteriophages and Bacteriophagics (aka Phagics). France is used as an example since most French data is publicly available. Treat yourself with phage therapy in France, it's possible. A...



Leave below your positive or negative stories on your use of bacteriophage and phage therapy. Do not mention anybody without their written agreement: the French situation...



These warnings list various pieces of information found on Internet. These are not medical recommendations. Your doctor is there for medical recommandations. The bacteriophage can be stored at room temperature for a few weeks...


Where can I buy bacteriophages ?

Buy bacteriophages on the internet? Purchase bacteriophagics ? Buy or purchase bacteriophage: where ? How to make the purchase of phages ? Here's where to buy bacteriophages internet abroad or on site...