Phage Therapy in France: Saving lives with phagics

The purpose of this website is to save lives by providing information on Phage Therapy treatment options in the US, France and abroad with Bacteriophages and Bacteriophagics (aka Phagics). France is used as an example since most French data is publicly available. Treat yourself with phage therapy in France, it's possible.

An 80% efficiency on multi-resistant bacteria

13.000 people die each year in France from germs resistant to antibiotics, about 5 times more in the USA, somewhere around 70,000 (Burden BMR Study 2014-2015). About 80% could be saved by bacteriophages in the USA or France (official cure rate from foreign specialized Phage Therapy centers in Poland, Russia and Georgia).

About 10.000 French lives could be saved each year using bacteriophagics. Other tens of thousands of people suffer, loose members, cannot breathe, develop cancer, become disabled, spend their lives receiving ineffective treatments, become bedridden.

Other tens of thousands are likely infected with the germs of their sick family member.

All this mess because phagics are not yet allowed in the USA or in most of Europe, while they were allowed for decades and saved hundreds of thousands of people. But these natural medicines have had the misfortune to fall into disuse – because they are less easy to industrialize as antibiotics and thus less profitable – until their potential to deal with multi-resistant bacteria was rediscovered .

The reason for these 10.000 deaths so easy to avoid ? The US FDA, the French ANSM would not know how to regulate phagic products !

The mind boggles; but actually it's no dream, it's a daily nightmare faced by families and individuals.

Basically the FDA and ANSM let you die rather than allow you to use bacteriophagics, drugs available abroad, that they know are working , with no contra-indications or negative side effects; and that they know are inexpensive and available abroad..

A far greater scandal than most drugs scandal such as Mediator, contaminated blood, the Dépakine or Levothyrox. Tens of thousands of annual deaths.

Yes, it is outrageous.

10.000 avoidable deaths annually in France - 50,000 in the US – a toll of 100.000 deads in France - 500,000 in the US

The numbers are crazy: this continues for years.

The Association Phagespoir was established in 2009, that's more than 10 years old. Mathematics is terrible: 10.000 deads X 10 years makes 100.000 deads in France - 500,000 in the US.

10.000 deads in France - 500,000 in the US + 10.000 deads in France - 500,000 in the US + 10.000 deads in France - 500,000 in the US + 10.000 deads in France - 500,000 in the US + 10.000 deads in France - 500,000 in the US + 10.000 deads in France - 500,000 in the US + 10.000 deads in France - 500,000 in the US + 10.000 deads in France - 500,000 in the US + 10.000 deads in France - 500,000 in the US + 10.000 - 50,000 in the US = 100.000 deads in France - 500,000 in the US.

100.000 deads in France - 500,000 in the US. Ooh Ooh, is there someone in charge in the FDA / in the ANSM ?

Health authorities

Why this inaction?

Financial interests are few for large laboratories that manufacture antibiotics and could see their benefits decrease with the arrival of bacteriophagics, competing solutions difficult to patent. So we should not count on Big Pharma to finance the therapeutic trials necessary to obtain the green light from the ANSM and to expand access to phage therapy in France.

What really blocks are the health authorities: Nestlé has offered to help in 2011 offering phages to fight a serious outbreak caused by an enterohemorrhagic bacteria’E. coli that occurred in Germany. Nestlé offered to use bacteriophages active against the bacteria that they had isolated during research into childhood diarrhea. Health authorities sent Nestlé walk.

The FDA or ANSM do not lack compassion. They say they want to move forward rapidly. ANSM even finances a couple projects at Institut Pasteur, but it's really smokescreen that masks their inaction despite the tragedy. They do not get the scope of the drama. They do not want to assess it since it would force them to act unconventionally. To change their rules.

A health system that derails and causes 10.000 deaths instead of saving lives

If some drug made 10 000 people die each year, the FDA or ANSM would immediately ban the drug even without all the scientific evidence.

But the FDA and ANSM are unable to save 10 000 people annually by merely authorizing medicines scientifically proven harmless and efficient. The FDA and ANSM are designed to ban, not to allow.


Interview them: they will give you all the good reasons of their criminal inaction of these 10 past years. Instead of asking for forgiveness.

They will tell you that things are starting to move.

But who are they kidding? They are the ones who put obstacles and prohibit products on behalf of the rules they themselves have written. Ludicrous turns to tragedy.

If they saw the tragedy, they would at least besiege the government to demand the authorization to take emergency measures.


100 000 deads in France - 500,000 in the US.


100 000 or maybe more than 1 000 000 worldwide deads on their hands.

They don't want to see the tragedy and they won't adopt the easy solution which they know but which does not fit their thinking and bureaucratic processes.

FDA and ANSM, unable to adapt and make appropriate rules for phage therapy in France

Indeed, the drugs are available. It would suffice the FDA and the ANSM to reauthorize them in the US and in France, even temporarily. To treat by Phagotherapy in France is authorized. What we miss, these are the foreign bacteriophage drugs.

Billions of use in Russia , but also in France in the twentieth century have proven their safety. The Scientific studies are countless. The bacteriophagics were in the US and French pharmacopoeia until the late 80. It is sufficient to import them from Russia or Georgia. Western pharmaceutical industry will follow and we will soon have new western-produced phagics.

Instead, under the fallacious pretext of respecting unnecessary procedures , and not to risk drawbacks (necessarily minors and necessarily limited since never detected), they let people die by hundreds of thousands.

The FDA and ANSM know there is no risk. They know that’in Russia the phage consumption is more than one billion packages per year - yes ONE BILLION PER YEAR. They know that people in the USA and in France would be saved by these drugs. But they do NOTHING. They forbid EVERYTHING.

The FDA and ANSM hide behind regulations that they themselves developed . If the price to pay to be a US citizen is to watch so many people die when the cure is at hand, it means the health system has become the worst dictatorship.

The FDA and ANSM would do well to ponder Rousseau instead of clinging rigidly to their deadly procedures: “Inflexibility of regulations, which prevents them to bow to events, may in some cases make them pernicious, and cause the loss of the State. There may be thousand cases to which the legislator hasn't provided, and it is a very necessary foresight to feel that we can not foresee everything”.

In fact FDA or ANSM are shirkers who prefer to let you die rather than adopt temporary emergency measures at the risk of being criticized in case something goes wrong. What they do not want to see is that it has already gone wrong with all these cemeteries filled by the victims of their inaction.

In 2013 Dr. Dublanchet, infectious disease specialist, complained: « We received very clear pressures. And we are led to deny specific requests from patients who die of infections that we can very well cure »

They are responsible and guilty and we will have to hold them accountable.

As Mediator, Depakine or Levothyrox, it will probably take a prosecutor's investigation to move them.

In the meantime, as did Valou, do not give up.

Practical information on phagics

This site aims to provide practical information for those wishing to learn about bacteriophagics, drugs based on bacteriophage viruses.

Bacteriophages are viruses "eaters of bacteria". Bacteriophagic treatments are generally in the form of cocktails containing several strains of bacteriophages. The cocktails are available either by pathology, or by germ.

For instance there are bacteriophagic cocktails for urinary tract , skin, pulmonary or osteoarticular, etc… ; infections and cocktails against E.coli, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Klebsiellas, Staphylococci Golden etc.…

Obviously this website contains no medical advice nor recommendation of any kind. That's the medical doctors job. And yes, Phagotherapy in France is legal and possible.

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1 Response

  1. Elzbieta Motykiewicz says:

    As I use the SniPha 360 in the top of the form?

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