Author: Europhages


Getting Phage Therapy

There are several options to take advantage of phage therapy : Option 1: go to a country offering a bacteriophage therapy and treat them to the body...


How to find information on bacteriophagics?

The Wikipedia page on the bacteriophage contains a lot of information on treatments and current medications. We can also the Wikipedia page on phage therapy. But it is the Russian manufacturer of the site of bacteriophage...


Declaration of Helsinki

Full text: World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects “Unproven interventions in clinical practice 37. In the treatment of a...



The image above corresponds to a phagogram carried out in Georgia by the Eliava Diagnostic Center in Tbilisi. This type of phagogram presents in the form of a table the sensitivity of each germ detected in the sample...